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Puberty can be a difficult topic to discuss but it happens to us all. Below are some resources you may find useful in explaining to your young adult what will and is happening to their body as they grow up. 

Let’s Talk about Puberty– a easy read booklet about growing up for
young people who have a learning disability, developed by Down’s Syndrome Scotland. Relevant to males and females. 

Puberty for Boys

Puberty in boys with learning disabilities a webpage by Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust containing photo symbols and short sentences covering changes to the male body. 

Puberty for Girls 

Puberty for Girlsa booklet produced by Bournemouth University students for Linwood School, with support of the Linwood Total Communication Team and Dorset Healthcare July 2018.

Puberty in girls with learning disabilities– a webpage by Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust which contains strategies, key messages for parents and further references.