
(Picture description- two females reading over written documents. Photo credit- pexels-alexander-suhorucov-6457561)

From time to time, the forum will be made aware of local and national consultations our members may wish to be involved in.

We will publish information about each consultation including the deadline for feedback on this page and will encourage you to share these consultations with your networks.

Modernising Support for Independent Living: The Health and Disability Green Paper

On 29th April 2o24, the government launched a 12-week consultation setting out plans to make it harder for disabled people to claim personal independence payments (PIP)- a non-means tested benefit which can help with the extra costs of disability for people aged 16 to pension age. When children reach 16 years of age, PIP replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
According to the paper, there are 2.6 million people of working age in receipt of PIP and DLA.
The green paper is available to read via the government website
People are encouraged to respond to the consultation online. You can do so by clicking the blue button below.  
The consultation closes on Tuesday 23rd July 2024